The Best Boutique Tube Screamer Pedal Clone
Best Boutique Tube Screamer Clone, Alternative or Copy? The 808 Overdrive by RYRA is a contender. Watch @JayLeonardJ put it through the paces with his Fender Bigsby Telecaster, 1965 Fender Deluxe Non-Reverb & the best telecaster pickups (1952 model Telecaster Pickups by Virgil Arlo).
Rock your Repaired amp makes great pedals. Forget looking for the best budget tube screamer pedal. Get the best boutique tube screamer pedal. The Maxon OD808 makes a fine pedal and on a budget the Joyo Tube Screamer is worth a look but you be hard pressed to find anything that sounds better than The 808 Overdrive by RYRA.